What You Should Obsessively Focus On

If you’ve felt off your game lately, you’re not alone.

Many of my #executivecoaching clients are frustrated in their careers given COVID-19 and all the moving parts they’re juggling.

Here’s my two step process for helping my clients get back on track:
Step 1: What’s the one activity which is most likely to create enterprise value for you / your firm?
Step 2: Obsessively focus on this.

For an #investmentbanking client, it was increasing the frequency of conversations with CEOs, creating substantive discussions which will result in more mandates.

For a #privatecredit client, it was creating an archetype of deals likely to get done, and proactively communicating this to sponsor clients.

And for a third client, it meant divesting a distracting operating subsidiary to allow him to focus on the unit which will create EV over the next decade.

For each, this has resulted in a Eureka moment, providing clarity on where to direct their focus. As they flip the 80/20 of their time to focus on the “one thing,” they avoid getting swept up in internal battles and instead reclaim that energy to create material results.

What’s your one key thing? And if you already know, then the question is, what’s preventing you from obsessively pursuing it?


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