How to Deal With Challenges To Your Ideas From The Peanut Gallery

If you’re a scratch golfer, and a 15-handicapper criticizes your stroke and tries to rattle you, you'll likely ignore them.

Why react to someone who isn’t on your level? It costs you time and brings you down to their level.

Yet, with many of my executive coaching clients, I see a similar set up play out with suboptimal results.

VPs/Principals making the transition to Partners are often pushed into defense mode when others challenge their ideas. They feel the need to “be right” and disprove feedback from colleagues that doesn't align with their agenda.

As a rising MD, you’re in charge, so let it go—as a 'scratch golfer' why let the peanut gallery throw you off your game?

The competitive drive that got you here may now be your Achilles’ heel: baiting you to defend yourself and argue. This defensive aura erodes your credibility as a leader and wastes your energy.

The next time find yourself irritated by a criticism and ready to refute someone’s point, ask yourself if you need to say anything. A simple -- acknowledgment of the other person’s point of view with no further reaction -- is a much more powerful response, and one that your colleagues will come to respect in your leadership style.

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