Email = Dilutive; Phone Call = Accretive to Your Reputation and Relationships

Over the last couple of weeks, my clients have shared screenshots of email exchanges that are increasingly inflammatory and unprofessional.

Right now, email is a hazard to your reputation and working relationships.

With face-to-face interactions out of the picture and endless phone calls and Zooms, it’s tempting to fire back an email for efficiency.

#investmentbanking 101 says, don’t put anything in email that you wouldn’t want to see on the front page of the WSJ... or for your peers and supervisors to read.

The “instant reply” culture is a low value-add reflex. If you let your ego react to a hostile email, you both end up looking like a-holes as the email exchange inevitably gets shared with a broader audience.

So what should you do when on the receiving end of an aggressive email?

DON’T TAKE THE BAIT. As a leader, it’s on you to stop the negative energy by redirecting it toward the greater goal. Instead reply, “Hey, are you available to hop on the phone [provide 1-2 times]?” Let the aggressor cool off for 1+ hours. Do not surprise them with an unannounced inbound which they may interpret an attempt to dominate.

A quick chat clears up misunderstandings.

#WFM is the time to develop, enrich, and protect your relationships.

Email = dilutive; phone call = accretive.


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