Are you struggling with a decision you made pre-Covid?

Perhaps you changed jobs, moved cities, or doubled down on a strategy.

Since you get paid to be analytical for a living, this may feel like a failure.
Ignoring that tectonic plates shifted, it is evidence that "you’re not that good."

In hindsight, now how can you justify the sacrifices for a choice which no longer looks so good?
While the notion of “going back on the decision" may feel worse than just living with the result, your whole life is in front of you today, in this new environment.

Re-underwriting the scenario under today’s environment may send you back in an old direction, or an entirely new one – but, there’s little value in stubbornly clinging to what made sense three months ago.

Hindsight is a fiction.

While one can change their approach as they learn, hindsight analysis is also a way we judge and blame ourselves for not getting exactly what we thought was going to happen.

In reality, we make lots of decisions with imperfect information. So as conditions materially change or you’re not thrilled with a decision, have some compassion for yourself and maintain trust in your analytical and intuitive capabilities.

“You made the best decision at the time.” Today is today, sometimes it can be best to just pay the tax and move on! “How could you have known” what would happen – it was a black swan event.

As times change, the same capable person, who made the prior decision, will make another sound and reasoned decision based on the information available to them.

And if you end up in a spot yet again that you don’t love, you’re free to try again. The key is directing one’s energy to the joyful path ahead, rather than being consumed with regret or self-criticism about the past.


What should I do now that COVID has thrown a wrench in my plans


Do you oscillate between "this is kind of ok, it's not that bad; I actually feel some relief" and "this sucks, I had a lot of goals and expectations which are now out the window?"