I help investment firms with their thorniest people problem:
When a great producer is behaving in a way that’s toxic to your culture,
You are in a bind
On one hand this person is critical to your franchise and a key face on a page.
On the other, their interpersonal impact on your culture is toxic.
With increasing complaints for months or years, it’s on you as CIO and CHRO to decide:
Fire them for the sake of the culture and live with the economic fallout
Allow the bad behavior to continue to hurt the culture and cause other good people to leave
There’s a third option!
Intervention with the help of a specialized coach.
Believe it or not, most abrasive leaders don’t consciously intend to be jerks. They are unconsciously addicted to aggression to get their way. While this may be an effective strategy to protect their agenda, it comes with a destructive interpersonal cost that they can’t really see.
I help you intervene effectively and finally get a change in behavior.
It’s not your fault. It’s not your shortcomings as a leader or manager. Something is going on under the surface that’s preventing them from hearing your or anyone else.
I help you intervene effectively and then I rehabilitate them through a specialized coaching method to help them turn around their behavior.
The result:
You get to keep your star performer and the incessant complaints from their peers go away permanently.
To learn more, email justin@levelupwithjd.com to set up a time.