What are your “work hours” 9-5? ...or unlimited and whenever emails are coming in?

Schedule irregularity causes pain in finance!

Internships and analyst programs train banking/private equity/hedge fund professional to be always on, cancel life events and be ready to go 24/7.

It’s thought that this is part of your “value add” — like catching punctuation or cosmetic issues in a deck.

While this is essential conditioning for junior work, it is detrimental to performance at a senior level.

Being “always on” has a macho factor, on which the ROI is negative.

Where are you allowing your boundaries to be violated? Where do you think you’re adding value but are in fact doing something your client could care less about?

Do you have a schedule? Or are you always available?

executivecoaching privateequity investmentbanking boundaries


We are impermanent creatures and this cyclical reset is a reminder of our impermanence


How to productively channel your judgmental instincts -- get curious!