Your Communication Skills Make or Break You at Work... how do you stack up?

I coach private equity, hedge fund and investment banking professionals 1x1 for about 30 hours each week... that's 1500 hours this year alone!

The #1 determining factor of success is improving your communication style.

Here's are 7 areas we focus on:

  1. Do you assume your work product speaks for itself, so you don't have to self-promote?

  2. Are you a tone deaf blabbermouth who doesn't listen to others

  3. Or, do you tend to shut down in conversations, keep to yourself with the feeling that no one will hear your POV, so why bother?

  4. How do you handle "conflict"?

  5. Are you good at saying "No" -- can you effectively communicate your boundaries? Do you know what boundaries are?

  6. Do you actively communicate what you're working on a) up to your bosses, b) across to your peers and c) down to the juniors? Do you regularly seek others' input and see your agenda as a collaboration?

  7. Do you let people know you're alive? Yeah, people are busy... they aren't sitting around thinking about you -- how often are you reaching out to your network?

NEXT STEP: Keep a running journal this week What are you good at? Which of these never crosses your mind?

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